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Culinary Arts banner

Dolores Huerta


Culinary Arts – Grades 6, 7, 8 (wheel elective)

Students will learn about a variety of foods and their preparation in the kitchen. They will practice proper habits of safety and cleanliness, methods of accurate measuring of food items and following the directions in each recipe. These techniques will be developed through hands-on experience in a group situation so they can effectively transfer their knowledge from class to assist their family more effectively in preparing meals at home.


Catering – Grade 8 (yearlong elective)

This is an eighth grade semester course. Students continue the culinary education with a more in depth look at terms, techniques and tools used in today's kitchens. Involving more complicated recipes, they will practice proper habits of safety and cleanliness, methods of accurate measuring of food items and following the directions in each recipe. These techniques will be developed through hands-on experience in a group. Focus will also be on food presentation, catering skills and potential career paths.