Dolores Huerta
Introduction to Computers – Grade 6 (wheel elective)
Students will be introduced to Microsoft Word Suite, Adobe CS6 Suite, digital photography and manipulation, 3D graphic rendering, and Internet etiquette and safety.
Advanced Computers – Grades 6, 7, 8 (yearlong elective)
This year long course of 6th, 7th and 8th graders produces CougarVision (our school video show) and our yearbook. The class will focus on Video Production (iMovie, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe AfterEffects) and Graphic Design (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and online programs). Students will also explore Computer Animation, Coding, and Game Design. This is a fast paced course designed for students who can handle an accelerated curriculum and are willing to put in time outside of class. Teacher approval necessary – see Mr. Mitchell for the application form.
Digital Media – Grades 7, 8 (wheel elective)
Digital Media is a course in which students will express their original creativity visually, develop visual skills in presentation; and showcase their ability to communicate ideas through graphic media such as stop motion, commercials, film, etc.