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BUSD Music

Dolores Huerta Middle School


Introduction To Music – Grade 6 (wheel elective)

Students will be exposed to a variety of music selections, styles and theory. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of reading sheet music, singing as well as exploring music through World Drumming and hand bells.

All vocal music courses are one year courses. To perform, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA or better.

Clef Hangers – Grades 6, 7, 8 (yearlong elective)

This is an audition choir class for boys. Students will participate in competitions outside of school and performances at school. Teacher approval necessary.

Treble Makers – Grade 7 (yearlong elective)

This is a beginning audition choir class for 7th grade girls. Students will participate in competitions outside of school and performances at school. Teacher approval necessary.

Cantabile – Grades 7, 8 (yearlong elective)

This is an advanced audition choir class for 7th and 8th grade girls. Students will participate in competitions outside of school and performances at school. Teacher approval necessary.

Madrigals – Grade 8 (yearlong elective)

This advanced mixed vocal performance/dance class is for students who plan on continuing their vocal training after middle school Students will participate in competitions outside of school and performances at school. Previous choir experience is necessary and an audition is required for teacher approval.


All instrumental music courses are one year courses.  To perform, students must maintain a 2.0 GPA or better.

Introduction to Instrumental Music – Grade 6 (wheel elective)

Students will be exposed to a variety of instruments including World Drumming and Guitar.  Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of reading sheet music and playing an instrument.

Beginning Band – Grades 6, 7, 8 (yearlong elective)

Open to all students - no previous experience required.  Students will get training in reading and performing music on a band instrument

Concert Band – Grades 6, 7, 8 (yearlong elective)

For more advanced band students with experience.  This is the intermediate ensemble that includes performers on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. 

Wind Ensemble – Grades 7, 8 (yearlong elective)

This is the showcase instrumental ensemble for advanced woodwind, brass and percussion players.  By audition only.