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Middle School Theatre

BUSD Theatre



Dolores Huerta

Dolores Huerta Middle School's Play Production Class is for students from 6-8th grade and takes place during "8th Period" on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 5pm.  Students do improv, monologues, scenes, write, direct and ultimately put on a fully staged play.  Auditions for a spot in the upcoming school year will be on Thursday, August 15th, after school in the Auditorium.  A one-minute monologue from a play and a short song are required.

Luther Burbank

Theater program will begin in the Fall of 2017

John Muir

John Muir Middle School Drama consists of three levels:

  • In the student’s sixth grade year they get the chance to sample our drama program for ten weeks in our BEGINNING DRAMA class in the Elective Wheel.  Students learn the basics of pantomime, improvisation, and cold reading while getting used to being on stage and playing fun games that reinforce these skills.  It’s a class that works for kids that are very shy as well as for the born performer.
  • In seventh grade students can be a part of the year long INTERMEDIATE DRAMA class.  This class focuses on building an ensemble of performers and teaches kids about Greek tragedy, elements of comedy, parody, satire, melodrama, advanced improvisation, monologues and scene work.  They will write their own scenes and monologues as well as get a chance to practice interpretation by performing famous theatrical pieces.  Students in this class spend most of their time up on their feet performing, but still leave with a solid academic base.  Each semester the class performs in a nighttime “friends and family” invitation-only showcase in our auditorium.
  • PLAY PRODUCTION is for eighth graders and the class does the work of rehearsing and preparing to put on the school play.  These students audition to get into the class, select the play, audition for parts, rehearse after school, and perform in front of the entire John Muir Middle School student body and the public.  During the time that preparation for the play isn’t our focus these students work on monologues, character development, and sketch writing.